Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dreams of Children

Read me first so this blog makes sense: 
The Dream Act (,0,4438059.story)
The thing about kids is, they are at the mercy of their parents.

They live were we tell them to live, eat what we tell them to eat (for the most part), and go to school where we send them to school. Children of illegal immigrants are no different.

Right, wrong, or indifferent and as much as you may dislike the saying, "It is what it is", well, it is exactly what it is. 

Or, exactly what is it? 

We have illegal immigrant children who have attended our schools and received educations.  Children who continued on to college and received college degrees.  Children who identify more with American culture than that of their parents birth. 

Educated adults who cannot get legal jobs so they may contribute to our society and economy.

We want to punish them because of what their parents did. 

We want to cut off our nose to spite our face.

Hello?  These children have attended our schools and received good educations.  They are capable of being productive members of our society.  They can pay taxes, buy goods at local vendors, and volunteer.  So, let's throw them all out now.

I guess, in a way, that could be good for other countries.  They could benefit from the education our country provided those children.

How many illegal immigrant children are in the US today?  No one knows, except the answer seems to be, "a lot".  Do we know who they all are?  No.  So what is the reality of rounding them all up and getting them out?  Does everyone understand what an "exercise in futility" is?  Okay.  Let's move on.

Basically, our systems have become irrelevant and instead of trying to move forward and fix it, we would rather waste time punishing people who could, right now, today, be contributing even more to our society and our economy.

They are already here.  Why not give them a chance and save ourselves all the paperwork and wasted money spent on immigration applications and the process to give them a piece of paper that makes them "legal" - or the massive amount of money (our country doesn't have) to throw them out?

...and if you're afraid they'll take jobs away from legal immigrants, then maybe a little internal competition would be good for the growth of our country?  After all, isn't that what capitalism and democracy is all about? 

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