Sunday, February 21, 2010

washed iPhone and our second video

i must be taking this whole silence thing a lot more seriously than i ever realized.  i managed to wash my iPhone early this morning. don't ask what it was doing in my bathrobe pocket and why, today, of all days, i decided to wash my bathrobe. 

on the brighter side of things (i remain optimist, yet realistic), internet research shows a high probability of success in iPhone recovery.  many (and i mean a lot) people suggested placing the phone in an air-tight container with white rice, then placing the container in a warm place for at least two days.  (click on the title of this blog to read the many, many posts of people having success with rice and the back of their computer monitor.  of course, that requires one of them old-time monitors no one has anymore, so the fridge or dryer vent has to do.)

put on the brakes!!!  what??? you say???

wow.  i said a lot of synchronous events had been happening lately, but this one kinda freaks me out.

 so if you text or call, i swear i'm not ignoring you!  if you've got the number call me on troy's phone - or send me an email at my windsong address and i'll call you back.

results of iPhone recovery test to be announced tuesday morning.  if it doesn't work by tuesday afternoon, we'll be making a quick trip to the AT&T store.  i hope it works because i really, really don't want to have to lay the money out for yet another iPhone.  i had to pay full price for this one originally because i wasn't eligible for the upgrade yet and i'm still not eligible until november!!

we just created another crystal bowl video and it's currently being processed on youTube.  it was funny how the first two comments from people who never sat in group before but saw the previous video we posted were:
  1. what part was the bowl?  i couldn't tell if there was music playing or not.
         there was very light music in the background but most of what you hear is bowls.
  2. wow!  those are REALLY big bowls!  i didn't realize they were THAT big!
         yeah, i know.  lucky me because i get personal, on-demand performances.  :)
yes, it's true.  my husband has big bowls.  the word is out.

so, in response to the question what do just the bowls sound like, we've created our second video of 10-minutes with just the sound of troy playing the crystal bowl.  i've watched quite a few crystal bowl videos and i have to say, i think it's the best 10-minute crystal bowl video i have ever heard.  please comment and let us know what you think about it.  turn the volume up (or wear headphones if you have a lot of external noise), take off your shoes, put your bare feet flat on the floor (or sit on the floor), close your eyes, and relax until the bowls fade...and beyond...


May all beings be free.
May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Was having dinner with a friend last night when I saw you blog and he had a similar problem. He said the iPhone in a sealed container with rice will do the trick!
