Monday, January 18, 2010

10 Things I Love About Keri

Karen's Note:  In the spirit of showing more Gratitude in my posts this year, I thought I would choose a different person and write 10 things I like about him/her as a blog tribute.  There is no specific order to the posts, so don't get offended if you aren't first and don't let it go to your head if you are! LOL

There is someone I work with that I think is absolutely amazing.  Not in a gay way, IYKWIM.  (For the uninitiated:  IYKWIM = "If you know what I mean".  It's a lot easier to type IYKWIM in IM than to fully type it out.

Keri is such a beautiful person inside and out.  She speaks honestly from her heart and is loving, kind, considerate, and loyal.  She's okay in my book.

She and I go to lunch a couple (or more) times a week with our other Lunch Partners In Crime (LPIC).  The range of discussions we have at lunch are never-ending.  We laugh.  We insult each other.  We support each other.  We have fun together.  We have also been known to create a visual expression of a word versus verbally. For example, wiggling your bent fingers, as if typing, while held at the same level as your waist = IMing. Wiggling your bent figures and held higher than the waist = typing an email.

But this post is about Keri.  She is more than my lunch-buddy and co-worker.  She is my friend.  I am very blessed to have her in my life and would like to share with you why.  Since this first blog tribute is about Keri, it only seems appropriate that the tributes should be written in LIST format.
  1. Keri is addicted to list-making just like I am.
  2. We hate talking on the phone (um, to anyone, not just to each other) because we prefer speaking in person.
  3. We use A LOT of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!
  4. We are extremely picky about our blog posts and can spend hours writing just one! 
  5. She has a great sense of humor and can roll with the best of them.
  6. She smiles and laughs a lot.
  7. She likes to read.
  8. She's one of those rare bubbly people that you actually enjoy being around and look forward to it.
  9. She loves office supplies.
  10. She loves singing in the car.
I hope that you someday have the good fortune of Keri's path crossing with yours.  I am most grateful that hers has crossed mine and I'm enjoying our journey together.

1 comment:

  1. You totally made my day, girl! Love the hand gestures comment - had to demonstrate them at my desk myself - I'm such a dork!

