Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The REAL challenge we ALL face in 2010...

For many years now, probably since I worked for the international joint venture company, I have written the date in the following format:  YYYYMMDD

In 2009, this was not an issue.  It is ONLY January and I've already realized how difficult the next nine months are going to be!  It's the zero at the end of the year and the zero at the beginning of the month that is making it challenging.  Not to mention the fact that for nine years we've been typing 200_ and NOW we have to start typing 201_; and during the first nine days of the month it's even trickier!!  Think about it...

Okay, may not look too bad.  (If you're a geek, it probably looks like code to you.)  However, YOU try typing it.  Pull up notepad and try typing todays date without pausing.  Do it a couple of times kinda quick.  Now, is it just me, or is that slightly challenging to get all the zeros in the right place??


I mean, isn't it bad enough we struggle with writing the previous year on things for a month or two at the beginning of the year.  NOW, we have to worry about the order of a whole bunch of freakin' zeros!!

What do you think???     ;-P

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