Thursday, September 24, 2009

another peaceful start to my day!

I guess I'm more of a morning meditator.  I seem to find that in the evening, especially the later it gets into the evening, the harder it is for me to sit still and stay focused.  In the morning I find that I can usually go deeper than in the evening.  This morning I did a 45-minute silent meditation which is a switch for me.  Usually I have some sort of soft, meditative music playing the background.  However, I need to start developing more discipline now for the meditation retreat we are attending in February. 

It was interesting to note that the 45 minutes went a lot faster than I realized.  I saw some great videos on YouTube yesterday, each with different tips on how to meditate.  One explained another version of counting the breath.  This morning I practiced using that form of counting my breath as I meditated.  (Usually I count to four on the inbreath, hold for a count of four, exhale to a count of six, then hold for a count of four and repeat.)

Good 'ole monkey mind was in full form; however, I found that if I could allow the distractions, without judgement, and just return to counting my breath (1 on inhale, 2 on exhale, 3 on inhale, 4 on exhale, repeat) it was much more peaceful without the personal condemnation (darn you!  you are thinking again!).

Starting my morning with a good meditation, some singing and chanting, really seems to start the day off peacefully and I feel more balanced and centered.  Why not give yourself permission to enjoy 15 minutes of silence in the morning.  That means silence in movement as well as speech.  Remain quiet and still for 15 minutes and see what happens.  When monkey mind shows up, just start focusing on your breath and releasing the thoughts by disengaging and not carrying them any further.

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