Saturday, September 5, 2009

why we are all so sad....

I think I may now know why we are all so sad so much of the time. I may understand now why we all suffer so much. It is not because there is so much evil in the world. It is not because of the economy. It is not because of death or pain.

It is because we have known perfect love and bliss before, yet we have forgotten how to get back to it. Why have we forgotten? I do not know; although theories do, of course, abound. But is why we have forgotten as important as remembering?

I keep stumbling across moments of absolute love with pinches of bliss scattered throughout. They are unexpected moments of radiant love showering around me, bubbling up from deep within my soul, and flowing out of me easily to connect with the silent ocean that surrounds me. Perfect peace. Perfect love. Absolute bliss.

Having connected with this, I now understand why we suffer. It is not because we wish to remain in a state of bliss always. It is because we know what those moments feel like. When everything is absolutely perfect and you are in living in that moment. Not living with the intention to live in the moment, but actually existing there.

We suffer because we do not remember how to return there when we need to re-energize; when we need to remember how perfect love feels so we can bring it back into this realm with us. When we become so bogged down by the weight of the world and we cannot reconnect with that perfectness; we do not remember how perfect all is, then we are sad.

I remember as a child sitting in Assembly of God churches and members of the congregation would suddenly begin speaking aloud in tongues. This strange, beautiful language, this twisting of the tongue that my ears and mind did not understand, but my heart and soul would. The preacher would pause in his sermon and there would be this hush, this feeling of expectancy, as the person spoke this strange language. When they stopped speaking there would be another expectant pause before someone would speak aloud in English, translating what was previously said.

Until now, I never really understood why it would move me like that when people spoke in pure tongues. An experience I had yesterday helps me understand. It is because they have surrendered all ego and have connected to that which is greater than them and outside of themselves. It is pure. It is love and adoration and peace. That moment of absolute surrender and allowing whatever rises within you to be expressed verbally through sound not requiring logical comprehension.

It is not worship expected of you because you are a fear-filled and dutiful servant of God. It is a gratitude for that moment of existence that feels so strong you cannot contain it. Gratitude without direction or intention. An outpouring of the heart and soul that is completely spontaneous.

It is surrendering all the who's and why's and how's and when's and where's. It is surrendering who is right and who is wrong. Surrendering what is truth and what is false. It is the embrace of that moment without understanding or comprehending why or how or what it means.

At that moment, it does not matter if God exists because you already know.

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