Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Food for thought...or just do the math!

Talking to a friend of mine today about my lengthy manic state and wondering what has triggered it.  I know that the stress I've been experiencing the past couple of months is one part of it.  (As mentioned previously, Bipolars are extremely sensitive to stress in their environment.)

What about weight loss?  I have lost 50 pounds since January.  (Yaaaahhh me!)  I also quit smoking a month and a half ago (almost two months now actually). 

Since I don't weigh as much as I used to, then maybe I don't need as large a dose as I used to!  So maybe this whole mania thing isn't that I'm falling apart again.  It's just that my meds need to be adjusted!

So, let's see....quit smoking, copious amounts of stress, and massive weight loss.  Yep, adds up to me.  What do YOU think?  I see the doctor next Tuesday, so stay tuned and we'll find out what he thinks!

1 comment:

  1. I DO love you ... and I like your math, too. Congratulations on those accomplishments (the weight loss and the smoking "loss").
