Friday, August 21, 2009

One more really quick thought...

Someone said to me the other day that it seems like they are meeting more and more people who are bipolar. There are also some in the metaphysical, spiritual, and new age circles who believe one reason is because our DNA is changing as the earth moves through the different parts of the Universe and we are affected by different types of energy in our solar system.
What if we, the Bipolars, accepted the challenge of being the "in-between" stage of human evolution? We are in-between who we used to be as a race and who we are becoming. What if we Bipolars have to learn how to accept and embrace who we are to lead an example for others as they are going through their challenges due to the DNA changes?
We MUST learn to not only cope, but THRIVE as Bipolars. WE must be the example for our children and those around us. We must learn, by trial and error, what does and does not work. We must share this knowledge with others as we experience and find it.
Bipolars work very hard to maintain balance. In order to maintain balance you must learn what your triggers are that can bring on episodes. For most Bipolars, stress is a common trigger. Stress is something we have difficulty avoiding in our world today. However, stress is also something that everyone, Bipolar or not, struggles with. If Bipolars can learn to manage stress, think of what we could teach others that do not have the complications that come with being Bipolar??
Is this the example we must learn to live so that others may also understand that we must truly know ourselves in order to survive as a race? That we must learn to accept and embrace who we are, warts and all, and know that we are perfect exactly as we are? It's just that Bipolar warts are easier to see than warts we keep hidden deep inside and never face.
Bipolars are Teachers. Listen to Them. You just might learn something new. It's really not just all crazy rambling.

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