Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Perfection and Warts

Why is it that when someone adopts a particular faith, religious tenet, or spirituality; people expect perfection? How often have you heard comments like, "Yeah, she says she's a Christian, but she said a curse word so just how Christian is she really?" or "For all the spiritual stuff you are in to, you sure are aggressive when you drive! What happened to all the Light and Love stuff you talk about?"
Okay, maybe you haven't heard the second one before, but I have. When I do things that are less than the person I want to be, people are real quick to point that out. "But I thought you were into all that spiritual stuff...?" Although I do appreciate their helping me to realize my less-then-desirable behavior, it also shows their own lack of understanding that following a faith- or belief-system does not mean you have to be perfect. Most people choose to walk a particular path or follow a specific religion because something in it appeals to them. They have connected to it as the "right way to live" for them. It is not because they are already there; the Christ, the Buddha, or the Perfect One. It's not like accepting a belief system suddenly makes you perfect and you can't make any mistakes after that or you aren't "really" following your beliefs.
A belief system should inspire and encourage you. It should help you deal with life in very real terms that enhance understanding of yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the world around you. It gives you the ability to understand, process, and respond in a, hopefully, responsible and loving way. So, yes. I will admit it. I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I curse. I get angry at people. I cut people off in traffic because they make me mad and I'm competitive. I don't answer my phone and don't return phone calls. I could spend hours writing all my faults. All I can tell you is, don't judge me and don't hold me to certain standards. Allow me to be me, with all my faults, with all my quirks. Accept me exactly as I am. Warts and all.

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