Saturday, August 29, 2009


I have had two unexpected sources tell me that they love me this week.  It really lifted my spirits and gave me this idea for a challenge to you, dear blog reader, family and friends.

I CHALLENGE YOU to tell two people you love them within the next seven days.  I know how good it made me feel to hear it from two unexpected sources this week and I hope it made them feel equally good when I accepted the love they offered.  Sounds easy enough, right? But where's the challenge?  There are, conditions.  They are:
  • It must be someone you have not said "I love you" to in at least six months.
  • You must tell the second person, "I love you" within seven days of when you told the first person, "I love you".
  • It must be heartfelt, not just reciting three words and telling someone something you think they'd like to hear.  You must feel the love in your heart and with your soul
  • It can be anyone - even someone you've never met before, but it must be heartfelt.
  • It must be verbal.  Written communication is discouraged unless there is no other way to contact the other person within the seven day timeframe.
  • If they ask you why, share this with them and challenge them to do as you have done by passing it on to two others.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we began sharing "I love you" and others choose to pass it on?  Think of all the love that would continually flow around us through our connections and that YOU were a catalyst for!

I hope you will join me and accept this challenge in spreading LOVE around us.  If you do, please comment below so we can see those seeds of love planted.  If you are comfortable, I would love to hear about your experience as those seeds begin to sprout and grow.  Even if it doesn't go as well as you had envisioned, still share as they are all valid experiences with something to be learned from each one.

Share this idea with as many people as you like.  There is an email link below this post you can use to make it even easier to forward to others!


1 comment:

  1. You know what makes this interesting--and challenging? The verbal part. "I love you" is easy to say, and mean, but easier to say in written form. Why? Maybe because it immediately dissolves any expectation of response?

    I am SO overthinking this 'challenge' that it's probably a sign it would be a good move for me!
