Wednesday, April 14, 2010

you KNOW you can trust ME riiiggghhhttttt.......?

Steven was telling me about a support group he attended and how tragic some of the stories were that he heard there. As I listened to him the thought crossed my mind, "I wonder how many of those were exaggerated stories for pity?"  Just when I thought I had finally earned my Compassion badge ...

I realize how I have been taught all my life DON'T TRUST - YOU WILL ONLY GET HURT! Of course, I have had that point proven in my life time and time again. Today, I realize, it is not the point of getting hurt. It's the point of expecting people to not make mistakes and then being disappointed when they do.  It's expecting a specific outcome then being angry or annoyed or dismayed when it doesn't happen the way I had envisioned it happening.

It is so sad that we have lost sight of the fact that sometimes people hurt us or betray our trust and they really and truly don't mean to.  That sometimes that horribly tragic life story you just heard actually COULD be a true story.  Would you want to turn a deaf ear to the one that it's a truth because of the nine before that lied?

W e  h a v e  t o   l e a r n
t o   t r u s t   a g a i n . . .

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